
Interview With A Retail Manager

Have you ever driven past The Prop House and wondered, “What on earth do they do in there?” Maybe you’ve seen beautifully styled events, mall windows or shop shelves and wished you knew more about how it was done, and by whom. Well, we are here to answer all of your queries!

Over the next few months, we will be introducing you to the The Prop House team and giving you an insight into what their job entails, their tips and tricks as well as advice for anyone seeking a similar path. Event stylists, visual merchandisers, retail managers, props creators and even graphic designers – we’ll take you through every room in the house!

Our first interview begins with the effervescent, energetic and enigmatic Sydney. After landing the role of Prop Stylist with us in 2017, Sydney has recently stepped into the role of Retail Manager. A dynamic leader, colourful thinker and child of the earth, Sydney’s ideas are always fresh and a little cheeky!

Syd, describe your role – what actually is a retail manager?

Well Leila, being the retail manager for The Prop House means I get to be in charge of what we have in stock to sell both online and in store. Exciting, I know. My favourite part is creating new trends, refreshing areas with new product and coming up with ideas with my colleagues – so pretty much just banter. But hey, who doesn’t love a good brainstorming sesh every once in a while.

Talk us through how you found your way into this role. What was your experiential background? 

Experiment. Why not. That’s exactly how I’ve ended up in this role. But yeah, before this I was a Bollywood Actress in Mumbai.

What does a typical day look like for you?

Checking emails and opening up the shop in the morning over a strong long black ? Then I might move into a stroll around the shop so my colleagues think I’m working hard. Once I’m happy with the way the shop is looking, I’ll start looking through my pinterest page for a short 5 hours and then move into a smooth happy hour around 3pm. Nah, just kidding. I’m full power 24 hour.

What has been one of your favourite jobs or experiences as part of this role?

Any event we throw in our showroom is always a treat. I love spreading ideas, new ways to style and drinking champagne! Stay tuned on Facebook for our next launch party coming up in the beginning of March…

Do you have a favourite retail item?

I really love our seagulls. They get me.

What advice would you give to someone considering becoming a retail manager?

If you have some advice I’d love some. I don’t know where I’m going, but I promise it won’t be boring. That’s actually advice from David Bowie. So thanks David.